Watford BID Business Improvement & Development Grant Scheme 2022/23
Objective & purpose of the grant
The purpose of the grant is to encourage businesses to look at their business and see what improvements can be undertaken to enhance their offer, develop their business and maximise their business potential and improve consumer/customer experiences.
The objectives are to improve both the physical feel of the town centre and to encourage a high quality product and consumer experience.
General guidance
1.The applicant must be a levy payer
2.The levy payments must be up to date and must be paid in full at the time of application
3.The levy payer can only apply for one grant per year – the grant is for the hereditament/business not the individual
4.The grant should not be used for maintenance work or work that could be identified as maintenance this can include general painting and decorating, internal or external where no significant improvement can be identified; general website updating
5.The grant will not be used for any improvement works that are a statutory or legal requirement, such as electrics, plumping, food hygiene and handling, pest control etc
6.The applicant must demonstrate additionality or benefit to the business and to the consumer experience
7.The grant is open to all businesses, but due to the limited availability of funding grants will be awarded on a first come first served basis
8.Applications must be submitted tokara@watfordbid.co.ukby 30 September 2022
Examples of activities the grant can be used for:
•Shop front improvements, including signage – all applicants would be encouraged to liaise with Watford Borough Council in respect of design and colours
•Developing a website with online purchasing capabilities
•Internal improvements which improve the customers experience, this will need to illustrate a changed environment for the consumer
•Specialist staff training (non-statutory) which improves/enhances customer service
•A significant event, which clearly demonstrates benefit for the business and the town. The applicant will need to demonstrate they have all the relevant permissions in place, and have a marketing and promotional plan in place, with adequate resource committed to delivering it
Application form
Business Improvement application form 2022-23
Business Improvement criteria 2022-23
Send completed forms or any enquiries to kara@watfordbid.co.uk.
This grant fund is being supported with additional funding from Watford Borough Council.