For one day only, you can exchange an unwanted gift for a gift you like a little more!

We’ve all been there; you eagerly peel back the Christmas paper and staring back at you is a gift that just isn’t quite ‘you’. What to do? Help is here in the form of Watford’s first ever gift swap.

Watford BID has partnered with Atria to organise a gift exchange for locals to trade their unwanted gift for someone else’s unwanted gift! The Gift Swap is a fun, sustainable and environmentally friendly initiative taking place in the Gift Swap pop-up shop on the Lower Mall in Atria, Watford on Sunday 29 January.

It’s a great way to repurpose something you really aren’t going to use and give it a good home. As well as being a fun way to find something new, it also carries an important sustainability message and helps to reduce our carbon footprint. And it’s not exclusive to Christmas gifts either it applies to gifts for every occasion; if you have something you just never had a use for bring it along. You never know what treasure you could leave with!

How it works: Simply drop off your unwanted gifts ON Sunday 29th January between 10.30am and 12.30pm at The Gift Swap pop-up shop on the Lower Mall next to Claire’s and opposite MAC. An exchange token will be provided to you (one for every gift dropped off). The gifts will then be sorted into categories and displayed by BID team members and volunteers. Participants then return between 1.30pm and 5pm to select a new gift in exchange for their token.

All gifts that are exchanged must be unused and if in packaging unopened. Food gifts must be in date, and alcoholic gifts will be displayed separately and can only be redeemed with a photo ID. Individuals are welcome to exchange multiple gifts in exchange for an equal number of tokens. However, there is no monetary value on the tokens and gifts cannot be exchanged for money. Full terms & conditions can be found here.

The organisers, Watford BID and Atria Watford, are both committed to helping Watford become a greener town and raise awareness of sustainable practices.

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