Proud Watford are exhibiting around our town from 6 August 2024. Below is the story of the wonderful exhibition, which you can see outside Superdry in Atria Watford from 6 August – 9 August. Find out about its journey by visiting

The Proud Portraits were created over a rainy three days in July 2023, at the Pump House theatre, here in Watford.

Nineteen people volunteered and nobody knew quite what to expect. Each came dressed as they wished, and all anyone knew was they’d be photographed as part of Proud Watford’s mission to help our town evolve as ‘a place without prejudice’.

Photographed by Dan ‘Twisty’ Gardiner, each brought their own introspection and vulnerability to a makeshift studio on what otherwise is a stage

Sometimes the smile was difficult to muster, whilst with others, nevous energy manifested as fidgety laughter: it’s surprisingly difficult to ‘just be yourself’, surrounded by lights and cameras, up on a stage, even if the auditorium is bleakly empty

Feelings of loneliness and isolation, of intrusion into the soul, of setting out just who you are, and not just in the momentary spotlight of a camera’s flash. But one thing inspired everyone. That everyone was proudly and publicly syanding up for themselves and others of different identities and sexualities, abilities and disabilities, ages, beliefs and ethnicities. Proudly, in one voice, saying we are all here, we are all alive and we will all stand next to each other. As friends, neighbours, family.

That no one is alone if we unite as one. So before you leave the exhibition, Proud Watford are inviting you to pause, if only momentarily, and complete the exhibition as the twentieth proud portrait.

To ‘just be yourself’, in the company of everyone else.

Thank you.

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