Join Hertfordshire Growth Hub at 9:00AM for a 9:30AM start on Tuesday 18 June at Theobalds Enterprise Centre, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire to get your business finance ready!
Hertfordshire Growth Hub is collaborating with the Crisp Accountancy, British Business Bank, The FSE Group and Innovate UK Business Growth to bring you this interactive workshop as part of the Hertfordshire LEP led Create Growth Programme.
This comprehensive workshop, led by specialists in their field and recipients of grants will demystify finance and funding options helping you to maximise your possibility of being able to successfully access debt or equity finance in the future and underline how taking on the right finance solution for your business can drive growth.
This is a fully-funded, must-attend workshop for established businesses in Hertfordshire looking to grow their business now or in the future.
Book now to secure your place Unlock your Business’s Growth Potential: Get Finance Ready (hertsgrowthhub.com)